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The Good, The Bad & The Hmm ...

Me and my guy at a wedding last weekend.

I haven't been writing in here much lately because life suddenly got c-c-c-crazy. Big news, both good and bad, landed on my plate on three separate occasions over the last couple weeks.

First, I found out that I have to get knee surgery next month to correct an old sports injury that's now decided to rear its ugly head. This means several months of crutches and physical therapy — lame!

On the very same day, I found out that I got a promotion at work — yay! I was a senior copywriter, and now I'm the manager of an amazing, eight-person copywriting dream-team. I feel really, really lucky. Learning a new job has been super fun and super busy. Now if only I didn't have to limp my way to meetings!

My boyfriend and I also just found out that our lease is up a month sooner than we realized, so we've been scrambling to decide if and where we want to move. Let me be the first to say that the world desperately needs a widely adopted apartment search tool that is not Craigslist. Anyone know of a good rental site for Seattle apartments?