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Chickens, ducks, horses, cats, dogs, sheep, goats and one blushing bride. Yesterday's shoot was one of the most peaceful of my career. Between shots, I played with a kitten, hung out on a swing and threw sticks for an energetic border collie.

The owner of this beautiful Wisconsin home is an incredibly gracious photographer and animal wrangler, Barbara O'Brien. She trains and photographs animals for a living. Many of them end up at her farm, some temporarily, some permanently. In fact, one of the photo assistants spontaneously took home a couple kittens yesterday!

This shoot is for the Spring/Summer 2012 issue of Minnesota Bride, which comes out in January. It's actually the concept we intended to shoot several months ago, but canceled due to rain. I'm so glad we decided to give it another shot.

After around 12 hours of shooting, Barbara sent us on our way with a dozen eggs each, freshly hatched by chickens we got to know throughout the day. Pretty cool.